The following partners proudly support Blazer Bash

Our involvement with desert racing, Ultra4 racing, hardcore rock crawling, and trail ride events plus camping and everyday street use of the full size GM platform has given us an great background to develop products ideal for a range of uses. We love mixing this background and experience with solid engineering to help our customers build their truck to do whatever they want to do. We want you to enjoy building and using your truck, it’s as easy as that!

We create custom products for corporations, organizations, clubs and individuals. We specialize in delivering customized products that cater to your unique requirements. Our comprehensive services encompass the entire process from design and implementation to production and doorstep delivery.

Great Lake Off Road LLC is now proud to Serve Western Montana and Northern Idaho. With 25 years of experience in custom truck parts manufacturing we can help with whatever you desire. We specialize in axle gearing and custom housing fabrication. From the professional racer to the avid outdoorsman, if you desire to get off the beaten path and are needing performance traction and or gearing we can help. Or if you’re a wanting to upgrade your Jeep or Truck with true 1 ton capable axles for those larger than life tires we can advise you of many options and help you stay within your budget.

Are you a Hillbilly Wizard? We know you are out there! We meet you in all sorts of places and never cease to be amazed at the fun and interesting projects in your garages, workshops, farms and backyards. This business is a labor of love for all things created from piles of miscellaneous parts. Axles, engines, transmissions, transfer cases, drive shafts, frames, bodies, wheels and tires. You could literally build your entire vehicle from our inventory. We don’t discriminate; any brand is fair game for the Hillbilly Wizard.

Benchmark Abrasives has more than 20 years experience distributing premium industrial products from around the world to the U.S. industrial market.

Swag Off Road……..
What is Swag? It’s an abbreviation for Scientific Wild Ass Guess, however the products sold at Swag are anything but a wild ass guess

Dueling Design